Sunday, November 7, 2010

First Haircut!

Yup, Grayson got his first haircut yesterday!  He also now has 5 teeth and is working on his 6th one.  #5 is on the bottom right and came in last Tuesday (or that was the first time I saw it).  He's really starting to look like a little boy now.  He also took 2 little steps by himself today and I know he could take more if he weren't such a chicken.  He walks really well with your finger now.   His vocabulary includes Dada, Mama, Baby (bA bA bA at least!), Ho Ho Ho (ask him what Santa says!), No, and Neigh (for horse).  He can also sign 'eat', 'more' and 'all done'.   He's also become VERY attached to Mommy in the past 2 months.  He now cries when we leave him in the nursery, but only for a couple of minutes.  And, as soon as Dad gets home, he becomes a Daddy's boy and Mom is second fiddle!  (It's kind of a nice break though ;o) 

Well, anyway, here's some pics for you all to enjoy!  He was an octopus for Halloween and he had a blast helping hand out candy over at Mark & Marilyn's (our Sunday School teachers).  He looked soooo cute and his eyes looked amazingly blue in the costume!  So glad Lora & Jason let us borrow it from Collin.  We loved it!

BEFORE HAIRCUT (the front almost reached his nose and he had a baby mullet!)

AFTER HAIRCUT (Doesn't he look so handsome?!)

 Grayson eating his victory sucker for being a good boy!  (it was his first candy ever, but unfortunately after a couple of licks, he dropped it in the floor!)

 What, you've never seen an octopus drive a car?!

 Or an octopus ride on a lion?!

That's all for now!  Hope you're having a great day!

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